
软件开发 1730
本篇文章给大家谈谈我想要成为一名软件开发者英语,以及我想成为一名软件工程师,英语对应的知识点,希望对各位有所帮助,不要忘了收藏本站喔。 本文目录一览: 1、




◆My dream is to become a software engineer, when I was a child, I had wanted to make money to feed themselves.

求一份 “MY Dream Job” 英语作文,(软件工程师),



Everyone has a dream job.Some people know exactly what their dream job is,while others are still trying to figure out what they should do with their lives.Unlocking your passion,personality,and aptitude is the biggest secret in helping you discover your dream job,as well as in getting it and keeping it.

My dream is to become a respected and dedicated engineer in IT industry,which is aimed to contribute to the IT development and provide highly efficient products for enterprises and companies.Every industry and field has different expectations and conventions,yet the actions needed to get entry level jobs are common to almost any career.And it's the same to my subconsciousness.It requires abilities of self-studying and flexible and agile thinking as an IT engineer.And dealing with computer and network in daily routine,you should always keep an accurite and cautious mind over all the business order because once you make any mistake,it may result in millions of RMB in investment failure.And besides,one is supposed to communicate well your customers and colleagues.Anyway,it engineer is a tough job but it deserves your passion and every piece of your strength is worthwhile as long as you realize you're doing your career that may change the way people think and the things they do and the way the world looks like.And I love it.I'll strive for my dream job



如果是用在口语的话用I would prefer to be a ... in the future(For example, I would prefer to ba an official in the government in the future)




Would you like to be a software engineer or a developer


1. China should not only develop its material civilization but develop its spiritual civilization as well.

2. Are you going to be a software engineer or a software developer?

3. In addition, you can earn a large sum of money.

4. Further more, you can accumulate work experience during your intership.

5. You'd better give up the task according to your present health condition.

6. He is going to go back to college after he finishes the task.

7. Once you finish reading the novel you will begin to write a report on it.

8. The following are my suggestions on how to improve the product quality of the company.

9. He hopes to be a sofware engineer rather than a software developer.

10. What the old man wants to see is his grandson not the son.

11. They have planted many fruits, such as oranges and apples.

12. We learn computers in order to catch up with the times.

13. In order to make more progress, he puts more time in his work every day.

14. Don't talk wild without proof.

15. Don't do anything without certainty.

16. Don't do aything that you are not certain.

关于我想要成为一名软件开发者英语和我想成为一名软件工程师,英语的介绍到此就结束了,不知道你从中找到你需要的信息了吗 ?如果你还想了解更多这方面的信息,记得收藏关注本站。
